Friday, November 7, 2014

Verite UV Multicushion DX in #21 - Cover Vanilla

You know those moments. It’s late at night, you can’t sleep, there's nothing to do. Actually, there is plenty to do, but you’d rather do something else. After all, who wants to fold the laundry or scrub the toilets at 3am? Certainly not me.

So you turn on the computer, or more likely, grab your smartphone and off you go.

You see something on some random blog in a language you don’t understand and bam! Suddenly you’re consumed with uncontrollable lust and desire and you absolutely, positively need to satisfy this urge. Right. This. Second.

Znasz te chwile. Po polnocy, nie mozesz zasnac, nie masz nic do robienia. Znaczy sie, do robienia jest sporo, ale komu by sie chcialo skladac pranie czy szorowac kibelek o trzeciej nad ranem? Nie mnie, to na pewno.
Wiec wlaczasz komputer, albo lapiesz smartphone'a i gubisz sie w sieci.
Widzisz cos tam, gdzies tam na jakims zagramanicznym blogu w jezyku, ktorego nie znasz, i nagle cie trafia. Zaslepienie zmyslow, pozadanie. I nie masz wyjscia, musisz dac upust tej namietnosci. Teraz. Zaraz. W tej chwili.

So you head over to gmarket, or ebay, and like a dog in heat, you sniff and search. There will be no rest. There will be no sleep. Until you find It. And when you find It, you whip out your credit card, or if you’re like me, there’s no need to whip anything out, because you memorized your credit card number a long time ago (saves time during those moments of sudden passion) and with trembling fingers you click the “buy” button.
The “ding” of incoming new mail is music to your ears. The confirmation of your order just arrived in your inbox. Mission accomplished. You put away your phone and now you can finally return to sleep. 

Wiec kicasz na Gmarket czy ebay i jak suka w rui szukasz i szukasz. I szukasz. Az znajdziesz TO. A kiedy znajdziesz TO, natychmiast wyciagasz karte, albo nie wyciagasz niczego, bo tak jak ja, znasz numer karty na pamiec (zaoszczedza to czasu w momentach takiej naglej namietnosci) i drzacymi palcami klikasz na "Kup Teraz".
Zawiadomienie, ze wlasnie masz nowego maila w skrzynce to jak muzyka dla twych uszu. Wlasnie odebralas potwierdzenie zakupu. Misja zakonczona. Odkladasz telefon i w koncu mozesz spac.


You know *exactly* what I'm talking about here, don't you?
And don’t pretend you’ve never had those moments.
We've all had them.

Some of us are stronger at controlling those unexpected urges, some are weak. And some just give in to temptation without much thought. We save those thoughts for when the credit card statements arrive.

I am normally very strong. I can resist. At least I thought so. Until one sleepless night I met the absolutely gorgeous Verite UV Multicushion DX SPF50+ / PA+++. It was love at first sight. I had to have her.

Wiesz dokladnie o czym pisze. Nie udawaj, ze nigdy cie to nie spotkalo.
Kazda z nas miala kiedys w zyciu taka chwile.

Niektore z nas opieraja sie pokuszeniu. Inne probuja sie opierac. A jeszcze inne oddaja sie pozadaniu bez chwili namyslu. Namyslac sie mozna bedzie jak rachunek karty przyjdzie do zaplacenia.

Ja zazwyczaj sie opieram. Pokusy mi nie straszne. Tak przynajmniej myslalam dopoki pewnej nocy nie spotkalam absolutnie przepieknej Verite UV Multicushion DX SPF 50+ / PA+++. To byla milosc od pierwszego wejrzenia. Musialam ja miec.

I had seen her older sister around, the multicushion without "dx", the one in a shiny box. Oh how I detest shiny boxes. That was the reason I didn't buy it.

But the awesome folks at Verite must have been psychic, and made a cushion just for me. Or at least they packaged it in a box just for me.
In a simple, no frills, plain box without any unnecessary embellishments.

Widzialam jej starsza siostre w odmetach internetu, ta multicushion bez "dx" w nazwie, ta w swiecacym zlota folia pudelku. Jak ja nienawidze takich pudelek. Nie kupilam jej.

Ale ludzie w Verite chyba sa telepatami, bo zrobili poduszke w sam raz dla mnie. Albo przynajmniej, zapakowana w pudelko w sam raz dla mnie.
W proste, zwykle pudelko bez udziwnien.

Unfortunately, they were not psychic enough to make a perfect shade for me. But oh well, we can't have it all.

Oddly enough, this DX cushion wasn't that easy to find that fateful night when I lost my senses. I couldn't figure out why. It was just a cushion, for crying out loud. Why was it out of stock everywhere I tried?

As it turned out, it was out of stock, because it was selling like gangbusters.
It received the Best Cushion award in the 8th Allure Korea Best of Beauty 2014 lineup. (The other Best Cushion went to Iope XP.)

I finally managed to order my Verite UV Multicushion DX on ebay and a few days later I saw a post on Agathblog about the Allure Korea Best of Beauty awards.

Niestety nie byli na tyle telepatyczni, aby zrobic odcien idealny dla mnie. No ale coz, nie mozemy miec wszystkiego na raz.

Najdziwniejsze bylo to, ze wcale nie tak latwo bylo ta DX znalezc owej nocy. Nie moglam zrozumiec dlaczego. To przeciez tylko podklad w poduszce. Ale wszedzie byl wyprzedany.

Jak sie okazalo byl wyprzedany, bo sprzedawal sie jak szalony. Dlaczego? Bo zostal wybrany jako najlepsza poduszka w 8 edycji Allure Korea Best of Beauty 2014. (Druga najlepsza poduszka to Iope XP.)
W koncu udalo mi sie ja znalezc na ebayu, a zaraz potem zobaczylam wpis na Agathblog o Allure Korea Best of Beauty awards.

If you're not familiar with Korean cushion foundations, here's the cliff's notes version:
It's a foundation (or a bb cream, or a cc cream) in a spongey cushion. To find out more, please check out the "Cushion Foundations" page in the menu.

Jesli to pierwszy raz kiedy slyszysz o koreanskich podkladach poduszkowych, tutaj streszczenie - to podklad (albo bb krem, albo cc krem) w gabczastej poduszce. Po wiecej info, kliknij na zakladke "Cushion Foundations" w menu.


The simple paper box holds the usual cushion stuff:

Przecietne pudelko ma standardowa poduszkowa zawartosc:

There's a compact with 15 grams of foundation in it, a refill set with another 15 grams and a Korean language leaflet.

The compact reminds me of Hanyul. But as Hanyul was black and white and classy, this thing here is gold and white, with that tacky nouveau riche feel to it.

Mamy kompakt z 15 gramami podkladu, refill z 15 gramami, i ulotke po koreansku.
Kompakt przypomina mi Hanyula. Ale Hanyul byl bialo-czarny, ten tutaj jest bialo-zloty.

#21 Cover Vanilla was the shade I purchased. No, it doesn't mean there are 21 shades available. Quite the opposite, in fact. From what I could understand (but granted, it was all in Korean, so not that much), there are only 2 shades out there: 21 and 23. Both are of the "C" type - meaning "cover".

Kupilam odcien numer 21 - Cover Vanilla (kryjaca wanilia). Numer 21 wcale nie znaczy, ze jest dostepnych 21 odcieni. Wrecz przeciwnie. Z tego co moglam zrozumiec, to odcienie sa dwa: 21 i 23. Oba sa typu "C", czyli kryjace.

Shade #21 is known as "Cover Vanilla". Shade #23 is "Cover Beige".

And here is where it gets funky.

It's my first true "cover" type cushion, and yes, indeed, it does cover.
The coverage is a lot more substantial than Iope N21 (natural type cushion).

It's also a lot more glowing. According to my eyes, it's not wet, not shiny, but just glowing.

Odcien 21 to Cover Vanilla. Odcien 23 to Cover Beige (kryjacy bez).
I tutaj sie zdziwilam.
To moja pierwsza z prawdziwego zdarzenia poduszka typu "kryjacego", i musze przyznac, ze faktycznie, kryje.
Kryje o wiele lepiej niz Iope N21. "N" znaczy rodzaj naturalny, czyli bardziej poduszka tonujaca?

Daje tez glow. Duzo glow. Nie mokrosc, nie tlustosc, ale wlasnie glow.


Verite is just one of the many brands belonging to Amore Pacific (the makers of Hera, Sulwhasoo, Iope and Hanyul, all of which I have reviewed already, click on the "Cushion Foundations" tab in the menu above to read more) and knowing that, you are prepared for a certain level of quality.

The cushion sets the bar pretty high.
It claims that it's an all-in-one product that functions as:

Moisturizer Essence + Whitening Essence + Sunscreen + Primer + Make-up Base + Cover Foundation + Luminous effect + Cooling Mist.

Wow! you got all that? The only thing missing is bringing world peace and curing cancer.
I guess for those two I'll have to wait until the new version is released sometime next year.

Verite to kolejna marka ze stajni Amore Pacific (tak samo jak Hera, Sulwhasoo, Iope i Hanyul, ktore wszystkie juz recenzowalam, kliknij na "Cushion Foundations" w menu), i wiedzac to, jestesmy przygotowani na pewien poziom jakosciowy.

Ta poducha postawila sobie poprzeczke bardzo wysoko.
Twierdzi, ze robi to wszystko naraz:

Nawilzajaca esencja + Rozjasniajaca esencja + Filtr UV + Primer + Baza + Podklad + Efekt rozswietlajacy + Mgielka chlodzaca.

No cuda na kiju po prostu. Tylko pokoju na swiecie i lekarstwa na raka w tym zestawie brakuje. Pewnie te dwa znajda sie w nastepnej wesji tej poduchy.

So that's what they promise. What do I say?

Well, I say this - even though this shade (21 in Cover Vanilla) is quite light, it's still too yellow for me. I'm inconsolable. I wanted this cushion to work so badly.

Once applied the foundation doesn't change its color when it oxidizes. It stays even and strong. The coverage is buildable from light to medium to "cover those freakin' zits, will ya?" But if you have lots of zits, you will need an additional corrector.

What surprised me the most was its staying power. Both with and without a primer. I guess the claim of "primer already in" was indeed true.

To mowia oni. A co mowie ja?
Hmmm... mimo, ze ten odcien (21 - Cover Vanilla) jest dosc jasny, to jest on nadal zbyt zolty dla mnie. Jestem niepocieszona. Tak bardzo liczylam na cud. Ale kolor, niestety, nie do konca ten.

Nalozona na twarz, nie zmienia koloru kiedy sie utlenia. Trzyma sie rowno i porzadnie. Krycie mozna stopniowac od lekkiego do sredniego po "zakryj te pryszcze". Ale jak sie ma za duzo pryszczy, to potrzebny bedzie osobny korektor.

Co zaskoczylo mnie najbardziej to jej trwalosc. Z i bez bazy. Mozliwe, ze te przechwalki o "primer i baza juz sa" to prawda.

I wouldn't trust it, however, as a sole sunblock. You simply never put enough foundation on your face to be fully protected from the sun. Use a separate sunblock, please (unless, of course, sun spots and skin cancer are what you're aiming for).

So, to sum it up, Verite UV Multicushion DX is a great cushion foundation with a lovely finish. It gives your face (at least I'm assuming you'll be using it on your face, my apologies if I'm mistaken) a healthy glow that does not look wet or greasy. It has decent coverage, it stays in place longer than most cushion foundations and I'm not surprised anymore that it got the Best Cushion Award. It absolutely deserves it.

The only thing that irritates me here is its smell. It's not unpleasant, oh no! It's a very floral, very "Amore Pacific" fragrance that I am sure will please most people. But if you're sensitive to strong scents, consider yourself warned.

So, where's the catch?
All this sounds too good to be true, right?

I was on the verge of tears when I saw the swatches on my skin.
It's too dark for me. Too yellow.
I need something with more pinkish undertones.

Nie ufalabym jej jednak jako jedynemu filtrowi. Po prostu nigdy nie kladziemy na twarz tyle podkladu, aby miec wystarczajaca ochrone przed sloncem. Osobny filtr bedzie niezbedny.

W podsumowaniu, Verite UV Multicushion DX to swietna poduszka z bardzo ladnym wykonczeniem. Daje twarzy (bo zakladam, ze to na twarz bedziesz aplikowac, a nie gdzie indziej) zdrowy glow, ktory nie wyglada na mokry, ani na tlusty. Ma dobre krycie, trzyma sie na twarzy dluzej niz wiekszosc poduszek, ktore mialam przyjemnosc testowac i nie dziwie sie, ze dostalo to Best Cushion Award. Nagroda w pelni zasluzona.

Jedyne co mnie wkurza to jej zapach. Taki typowy dla produktow ze stajni Amore Pacific, bardzo kwiatowy. Wiekszosc ludzi powie, ze jest przyjemny, ale dla tych z nas, ktorzy sa wrazliwi na tego typu zapachy, to problem.

Wszystko pieknie, ale gdzie haczyk?
Bo brzmi zbyt dobrze, aby moglo byc prawda.

Ano, niemal plakalam jak zobaczylam swatche na skorze. Ta poducha jest dla mnie zbyt zlota, i ciut za ciemna. Ja potrzebuje czegosc bardziej rozowego.

(it's an unedited photo).
It may look OK here, but the yellow splotch is clearly visible.

Moze i wyglada w miare przyzwoicie, ale zolta plama jest wyraznie widoczna na zywo.

The universe played a very cruel joke on me. It's like finding your soulmate only to learn he's engaged to somebody else.
I found my cushiony soulmate, only to find out it was meant for someone with a slightly more yellowish complexion.

Oh well... live and learn.
There are plenty more cushions out there...

Jestem niepocieszona... No ale coz... Sa dziesiatki innych poduszek do nabycia.


Here's the list of Verite UV Multicushion DX ingredients, courtesy of Agata from Agathblog. Thank you so much!!! 
Tutaj lista skladnikow dzieki uprzejmosci Agathblog. Bardzo dziekuje!
Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Phenyl Trimethicone, PEG-10 Dimethicone, Butylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate, Lauryl PEG-9 Polydimethylsiloxyethyl Dimethicone, Arbutin,1,2-Hexanediol, Glycerin, Niacinamide, Dimethicone, Disodium EDTA, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Lecithin, Beta-Glucan,Ceramide 3, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Hyaluronate, Soy Sterol Acetate, Stearic Acid, Adenosine, Acetyl Glucosamine, Acrylates/Ethylhexyl Acrylate/Dimethicone Methacrylate Copolymer, Aluminum Hydroxide, Arginine/Lysine Polypeptide, Ethylhexylglycerin, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Alcohol, Isostearic Acid, Isopropyl Palmitate,Caprylyl Glycol, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Phenoxyethanol, Polyglyceryl-3 Polyricinoleate, Polyglyceryl-8 Stearate, Polymethyl Methacrylate, Polyphosphorylcholine Glycol Acrylate, Polyhydroxystearic Acid, Propanediol, Phytosphingosine, Hyaluronic Acid, CI 77492, CI 77491, CI 77499, Fragrance

I bought my Verite Multicushion DX from this ebay seller. And no, this is not an affiliate link. 

Kupilam ja od tego sprzedawcy na ebayu. I nie, nie mam z nim wspolpracy.

Dla moich polskich czytelnikow:
Na blogu Wade Ashore do wygrania kosmetyki Tarte. Marka mi obca, wiec mam nadzieje, ze wygram, hahaha!

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