Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Iope creams

I am lazy. And that's a fact.
I'm so lazy that when Memebox released two Iope boxes (anybody still remember those times?), I actually bought box number 1. I had a bunch of memepoints that came out of nowhere, plus when you bought that box through an affiliate link, you could get even more points. And hey, if you give me bonus points, I'm good and ready to buy just about anything.

I knew that the box contained cosmetics that were already discontinued by the company. And I didn't care all that much. It was more convenient for me to buy the whole box than to search for individual items elsewhere.

Jestem leniwcem. To jest fakt.
Jestem takim leniwcem, ze kiedy Memebox wypuscilo boxa z produktami Iope (ktos jeszcze pamieta te czasy?), to kupilam pudelko numer 1. Mialam jakies memepunkty, i dostawalo sie dodatkowy punktowy bonus przy zakupie tego pudelka.

Wiedzialam, ze kosmetyki z tego pudelka zostaly juz wycofane przez Iope. I w zasadzie, nie obchodzilo mnie to za bardzo. Bylo mi latwiej kupic cale pudelko niz szukac poszczegolnych rzeczy osobno. Choc osobno wyszloby taniej.


Iope is one of the many brands coming out of Amore Pacific. 
I like Iope cushion foundations. And that's a fact.
So in my naivete I thought that maybe perhaps I would also like their skincare.

I have already finished this poor excuse for an anti-wrinkle eye cream:

Iope to jedna z wielu marek ze stajni Amore Pacific.
Lubie podkladowe poduszki Iope. To jest fact.
I w mej naiwnosci tak sobie myslalam, ze more polubie tez i pielegnacje tej marki.

Juz skonczylam ta patetyczna wymowke za krem przeciw-zmarszczkowy pod oczy:

Its full name is Iope Essential Tone & Wrinkle Care Eye Cream. Any longer and we'd run out of the alphabet. Srsly.

We get 25ml of white cream in a soft, plastic, very shiny tube.

Pelna nazwa to Iope Essential Tone & Wrinkle Care Eye Cream. Ciut dluzsza i alfabetu by zabraklo.

Dostajemy 25ml bialego kremu w miekkiej, plastikowej, bardzo swiecacej sie tubce.

It looks like a tube of medicated ointment with that pointy tip. 

The cream claims this:

Wyglada na jakis medyczny specyfik z tym dlugim aplikatorem.
Krem twierdzi, ze:

"Advanced Formula for Reduce Deep Wrinkles".

Did it do it? No.
Did it do anything? No.
Anything at all? No.

I ended up using it on my neck. Goodbye and good riddance.

I am still fighting with this horror of a moisturizing cream:

"Zaawansowana formula do zredukowania glebokich zmarszczek."
Czy krem to zrobil? Nie.
Czy krem zrobil cokolwiek? Nie.
Zupelnie nic? Zgadza sie.

Skonczylam go uzywac do smarowania szyi.

Do tej pory walcze z zawodnikiem numer dwa:

Iope Essential Moisture Relief Cream. All 50 ml of it.

This stuff stinks. It's so heavily perfumed using it anywhere on my face would provoke a sudden asthma attack. And the scent isn't all that pleasant either. If I'm going to slowly suffocate myself, at least let it be due to something that smelled nice. Even a little bit nice will do.

This thing here, it reeks of chemically scented mothballs. The kind you can get at a 100 yen store. Too awful for words.

To dziadostwo smierdzi. Jest tak mocno naperfumowane, ze smarowanie go gdziekolwiek na twarzy grozi mi atakiem astmy. I nie jest to przyjemny zapach. Jesli mam sie udusic, to niech przynajmniej bedzie to przez mily zapach. Ale nie. Ten tutaj cuchnie.

Zapach przypomina do zludzenia chemicznie naperfumowane kulki na mole. Takie ze sklepu 100-jenowego. Brak slow, aby to opisac.

I'm using it on my ass. I haven't noticed any visible effects yet. My bottom doesn't feel any softer or more supple than before. But I have 2 jars of this cream (got another one in the Jackpot Memebox), so there is still a chance that my behind will end up looking like a Korean pop idol's face. We shall see...

Here are the ingredient lists. Just scroll down a bit.


Smaruje sobie nim tylek. Nie widze, ani nie czuje zadnych wyraznych efektow. Ale mam tego dziadostwa dwa sloiczki (drugi przyszedl w pudelku jackpotowym). Wiec nadal jest szansa, ze moj tylek zacznie wygladac jak twarz k-popowej idolki.
Pozyjemy, zobaczymy...

Tutaj lista skladnikow.


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