Sunday, February 15, 2015

Haul - January and February

I've been accused of being lazy. And rightly so.
I have a sick backlog of posts that so far exist only as drafts, and gods know when they will see the light of internet. 
So, in order to lessen the load, I decided to join the throngs of beauty shopping addicts and start to at least throw a haul post here and there, from time to time.
Some of it you could see on IG already, but since not everyone is on IG, I got requests to share my recent haulings on the blog as well.

Zarzucono mi lenistwo. I slusznie.
Mam niesamowita ilosc wpisow, ktore jak na razie, istnieja tylko w formie "draft" i bukwi kiedy ujrza swiatlo internetu.
Wiec, zeby sie po trochu zmobilizowac, postanowilam przylaczyc sie do rzeszy kosmetycznych zakupoholiczek i wrzucac podsumowania zakupowe od czasu do czasu.
Zazwyczaj laduja one na instagramie, ale poniewaz nie kazdy jest na IG, dostalam maile z prosbami, zeby wstawiac wpisy zakupowe rowniez na bloga.


OK, so here we go.

This one might be back from as far as the end of December:

No to jadymy z tym koksem.
Ten tutaj jest chyba z konca grudnia:

The famous Lalavesi Akma Cushion "Ice Cute" Special Edition.
I bought it, because just look at that compact! Mine!!!

Slynna poduszka Lalavesi Akma Cushion w limitowanej wersji "Ice Cute".
Kupilam ja, bo ten kompakt! Moj!!!


While in Taiwan I didn't do as much shopping as I had planned. Simply because everything was ridiculously expensive. More so than in Japan.
I did get a few sheet masks. 

Na Tajwanie nie szalalam z zakupami, bo bylo po prostu drogo. Drozej niz w Japonii.
Ale kupilam troche masek:

The My Beauty Diary sake masks were very very nice. The broccoli ones - not so much.

Sake maski My Beauty Diary byly bardzo mile. Te brokulowe juz duzo mniej.


I also got this Dr. Wu set:

Wzielam tez ten zestaw od Dr. Wu:

I wanted a ceramide set from For My Beloved, but it was sold out at every duty free place I looked. 

I couldn't find anything that interested me at the airport. I checked a few highly recommended things that turned out to be less than satisfying in real life.
Eventually, all I got was a couple of things from Anna Sui:

Chcialam zestaw ceramidowy od For My Beloved, ale w kazdym miejscu wolnoclowym byl wyprzedany.

Na lotniskach nie widzialam nic szczegolnego. Pomacalam kilka rzeczy, ktore byly upierdliwie polecane, ale na zywo wypadly bardzo blado.
W koncu jedyne co kupilam to dwie rzeczy od Anny Sui:

And this fragrance:

I ten tutaj zapach:

And I'm very pleased with both if them.

My obsession with A-True continues:

Z obu jestem bardzo zadowolona.

Moja obsesja A-True nadal trwa:

And continues:

I trwa:

And finally, it was time for a new mascara:

I na koniec, nowy tusz do rzes, bo potrzebowalam:

The kafunsho season has just started but so far so good and I'm happy with this combo from Dior.

Do you want to see more haul posts?
Yea or nay?

Have a great week everybody!
Monday is almost upon us.

Pora na alergie wlasnie sie zaczela, ale po tygodniu uzywania tej pary od Diora nie mam na co narzekac.

Czy mam wstawiac wpisy zakupowe czesciej?
Tak? Nie?

Poniedzialek juz prawie z nami, wiec zycze wszystkim pomyslnego tygodnia!
Nie dajcie sie! Bedzie dobrze! Do weekendu tylko 5 dni!

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