Friday, July 3, 2015

Modern Treatment for Beauty - RadioFrequency

RadioFrequency Skin Anatomy

          Radiofrequency (RF) energy treatment is technology for non-surgical tightening of the early signs of loose or sagging skin; ideal for those people who either don’t want, or don’t believe they are old enough to have a surgical procedure. RF energy alone is primarily used to treat skin laxity by facial tightening, and is best suited to patients with mild to moderate sagging of facial tissues, usually those in their mid 30s to 50s, with any skin colour. It is commonly used to treat the forehead, under the eyes, cheeks, mid-face, jaw line, and neck.

           The field of body contouring and tissue tightening has expanded over the past several years, with many new devices appearing on the market that utilize radiofrequency (RF) energy to effectively tighten and rejuvenate the skin. In their review of the use of nonablative RF in the rejuvenation of the skin,  thoroughly outline the physics behind photomodulation utilizing laser energies versus rejuvenation using RF energies. Through the laser light delivered to the skin, there is an associated upregulation of matrix metalloproteinases that leads to a cellular response in the dermal collagen of the skin. This occurs either via water and collagen absorption of the light energy leading to a thermal effect on the dermis, or through the production of growth factors and cellular mediators as a result of the light energy interacting with the hemoglobin and melanin within the skin. It has been postulated that nonablative lasers cause an increase in the production of type I procollagen mRNA associated with the tissue response occurring within the dermal matrix.
Radiofrequency energy, on the other hand, uses the tissue's resistance within the various layers of the skin to transform the RF energy given to the skin into thermal energy. Many considerations are required for there to be successful transfer of the RF energy into thermal energy, including the size and depth of the tissue being treated, as one needs to consider the tissue impedance of the skin being treated. Since RF energy produces an electrical current instead of a light source, tissue damage can be minimized, and epidermal melanin is not damaged either. With this knowledge, RF energies can be used for patients of all skin types – that is, it is color blind and allows for different depths of penetration based on what is to be treated, allowing for ultimate collagen contraction and production of new collagen.

            Based on current RF technologies, most people should see at least a mild improvement in their skin tightness, with minimal risks and downtime compared to surgery. Prices for radiofrequency facial tightening treatment depend on the area(s) treated and the device used.
Technically speaking, radiofrequency is the number of oscillations (or waves) per second of the electric and magnetic fields within the radio waves portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is lowest of the electromagnetic radiation frequencies within the spectrum, which itself spans from radio waves, microwaves, infrared, optical (visible light), ultraviolet, x-rays, to gamma rays.
By feeding an alternating current (AC) or voltage through an antenna or electrode, electromagnetic waves can be generated that radiate through space at the speed of light; called radio waves. Radiofrequencies, or radio waves, have wavelengths ranging from less than a centimetre to as long as 100 kilometres.

RF Body Contouring
UK domestic electricity which itself is an alternating current could in theory be used for “electrosurgery”, however as most people know, contact with this kind of electric current can cause very undesirable effects such as electrocution and uncontrolled neuromuscular (nerve and muscle) stimulation. However, if the frequency of the alternating current is raised above the response time of neuromuscular structures, we find the radiofrequency range which can safely be used for medical/surgical applications.
By applying RF energy to the human body, which can conduct current and therefore act as part of the electrical circuit, any resistance encountered by the energy flow will cause heat to be produced at the site of maximum resistance, which can also be used to cut or coagulate tissue. RF energy when used for skin tightening is able to penetrate deep into the skin and affect the deeper dermis and subcutaneous layers, causing tightening and improvements to the underlying tissue structure, but with little change in skin texture or fine lines and wrinkling.
RF energy alone is primarily used to treat skin laxity by facial tightening, and is best suited to patients with mild to moderate sagging of facial tissues, usually those in their mid thirties to fifties, with any skin colour. It is commonly used to treat the forehead (lift brows and tightens forehead skin), under the eyes (thickens skin and tightens and lifts the upper cheek skin), cheeks (lifts slightly and diminishes enlarged pores), mid-face, jaw line (diminishes jowling and sagging along the jaw line), and the neck (tightens skin and diminishes wrinkling of the neck).
However, if there is a significant amount of redundant or sagging skin, often seen in older patients over sixty, this procedure may not show a significant enough improvement and a traditional mid-face, face or brow lift operation may be recommended in order to remove the excess skin, therefore achieving a better result. In combination with other modalities, as we have discussed above, RF can be used to enhance a variety of treatments including hair removal, photorejuvenation, pigmented and vascular problems, acne treatment and cellulite treatment.

The future of RF skin rejuvenation, body contouring and skin tightening looks very bright. Our devices are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and the results are becoming more and more predictable. We will continue to encourage more clinical trials with these devices as, without these, it is impossible to determine which of these devices actually work and which are just hype.

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