Thursday, March 5, 2015

A-True Real Black Tea True Active Mask

I have just finished putting ointment on my face. This is round two, or maybe three, of treating my latest skin eruption.
That's why, even though I received this box of A-True black tea masks a good few weeks ago, the review is appearing only now. 

Wlasnie skonczylam smarowac twarz antybiotykiem. To druga runda, a moze i trzecia, leczenia mojej najnowszej eksplozji na twarzy. Wiec mimo ze maski A-True na bazie fermentu z czarnej herbaty otrzymalam juz kilka tygodni temu, to recenzja pojawia sie dopiero teraz.

Why am I telling you all this? Because my skin got so bad that it required not one, but two visits to a dermatologist. And this alone should tell you how serious it was. I am used to breakouts. I can deal with breakouts on my own. But this was no ordinary breakout.

I'm mentioning this, because it happens to be very relevant to this review.
Everybody who visits this blog with some regularity knows that I love A-True. This brand is like no other.
A-True skincare is based on tea ferments and while it's still very much a niche brand, and pricey at that, it has a devoted following in the K-beauty realm. It's gotten a lot easier to purchase now that Jolse, Cosmetic-Love (which I think is Jolse in disguise), and even my friend's shop Berdever (probably the best prices of the bunch, but if you don't speak Polish, you're out of luck, sorry!), carry A-True products.

Dlaczego to tym wspominam? Bo moja skora tak sie zezlila, ze wymagala nie jednej, a dwoch wizyt u dermatologa. I juz to samo w sobie wyjasnia jak powazne te syfy byly. Do zwyklych syfow na twarzy jestem przyzwyczajona. Sama moge sie z nimi rozprawic. Ale te tutaj, to nie byly zwykle syfy.

I dlaczego o tym pisze? Bo to dosyc wazne w tej recenzji. Kazdy kto czyta ten blog mniej lub bardziej regularnie, dobrze wie, ze kocham A-True. Ta marka jest inna niz inne. Kosmetyki A-True opieraja sie na bazie sfermentowanych wyciagow z herbaty, i choc jest to nadal firma niszowa, i do tego dosyc droga, to ma coraz wieksza rzesze fanow w Azji.
W chwili obecnej jest tez coraz latwiej kupic kosmetyki A-True. Jolse je sprzedaje, Cosmetic-Love (to chyba Jolse incognito), i nawet "nasz wlasny" (nie, nie moj, to sklep mojej kolezanki), polsko-japonski Berdever ma je w swojej ofercie.

I love my A-True cushion (though the lack of refills irks me to no end, luckily, other cushion refills fit into the A-True case), I love the White Snow Tea Brilliant line, and I am currently testing the Darjeeling Black Tea anti-wrinkle line.

I am also a sheet mask fanatic. A-True makes sheet masks (or rather, a sheet mask). And the rest is history.

Kocham moja poduszke A-True (ale fakt, ze nie ma wkladow wymiennych wkurza mnie bardzo, na szczescie wklady innych firm pasuja do kompaktu A-True). Kocham linie White Snow Tea Brilliant, i w chwili obecnej testuje linie przeciwzmarszczkowa Darjeeling Black Tea.

Jestem rowniez fanka masek do twarzy w formie plachty, czy jak to tam po polsku. Sheet maski, maski plachtowe. A-True rowniez robi maske w plachcie. I reszty mozecie sie domyslic.

I had the A-True Real Black Tea True Active Mask (now that's a mouthful, try to say it twice really fast, LOL) in my cart at Jolse for a long while. I didn't have it in me to click "buy". Why? Because while I might be insane, paying US$36.50 for four (yes, 4) sheet masks is not something that I am willing to do on a whim. If the brand's name starts with "S" and ends with "II", then yeah, maybe...

So when A-True offered me a review sample, I was overjoyed. I got my chance to try a sheet mask (and let me tell you again, I love sheet masks, you should see my stash!) from a brand that I also love. It seemed to be a match made in Korean skincare heaven.

Mialam pudelko tych A-True Real Black Tea True Active Mask (juz dluzszej nazwy nie mogli wymyslic?) w koszyku u Jolse, ale jakos nie bylam w stanie kliknac "buy".
Dlaczego? Bo moze i jestem rabnieta, ale 36.50 dolarow za cztery, tak 4, maski plachtowe to lekkie przegiecie, nawet jak dla mnie. No chyba, ze nazwa marki zaczyna sie na "S", a konczy na "II". Wtedy pewnie bym kliknela.

Wiec kiedy A-True zaoferowalo mi pudelko owych masek do recenzji, bylam przezachwycona. Bo ja kocham maski. I kocham A-True. Spelnienie marzen mych, po prostu!

Disclaimer:This product was provided to me for review purposes. However, the opinions presented here are my own, and mine only. Favorable reviews on this blog CANNOT be purchased (unless we're talking a Lamborghini). 

Uwaga:Dostalam ten produkt w ramach wspolpracy, ale nie mialo to wpylwu na przedstawiona tu opinie. Opinia jest moja wlasna, szczera, a pozytywne recenzje na tym blogu nie sa na sprzedaz (no chyba, ze szanowna firmo, oferujesz mi Lamborghini).

The masks came via EMS, and when they arrived I wasted no time. As soon as I took some photos, I went ahead and decided to try the highly acclaimed A-True Real Black Tea sheet mask.

The box looks simple (me likes!), the packaging is simple (me likes again!), there is a bilingual leaflet in the box (me likes soooo very much!!!). So far so good.

I cleansed my face, read the instructions, ripped the mask pouch open and got very irritated very quickly.

Maski przyszly ekspresem i nie marnowalam z nimi czasu. Obfocilam co trzeba i zabralam sie za testy A-True Real Black Tea True Active Mask.

Pudelko jest bardzo minimalistyczne (lubie!), saszetki rowniez (tez lubie), jest dwujezyczna ulotka ze skladem po angielsku (bardzo lubie!). Jak na razie, bez zarzutu.

Oczyscilam twarz, przeczytalam instrukcje, rozerwalam saszetke (krzywo, ale za taka cene, to powinna sie lepiej otwierac) i od razu sie wkurzylam.

The first step of "directions for use" tells us loud and clear:
1. Remove the protective film from the mask.

Ok, that's great. I'm all for protective films. But where the heck is it?

Pierwszy punkt w instrukcjach uzycia mowi nam to:
1. Usunac ochronna folie z maski.

Dla mnie "film" to cienka warstwa (najczesciej folii), ktora przylega do wszystkiego i ktora pokrywa cos.
No super, ochrona to podstawa, ale gdzie, do jasnej cholery jest tu ten "film"?

There was a lot of netting around the mask, but unless I was going blind in my old age, I didn't see any protective film.

Step 2 tells you to put the mask on your face.
Step 3 tells you to remove the net from the surface.

Maska pokryta byla siatka i niestety nie znalazlam tam niczego, co wygladaloby jak "film". Choc mozliwe, ze slepota zaczela mi na starosc doskwierac.

Punkt 2 mowi, zeby wsadzic maske na twarz.
Punkt 3 mowi, zeby zdjac z maski siatke.

I tell you that doing it in that order is physically impossible. Whoever wrote these instructions clearly had never tried this product.

A ja mowie wam, ze zrobienie tego w tej kolejnosci jest fizycznie niemozliwe. Ktokolwiek spisal te instrukcje, nigdy tej maski nie uzywal. Albo w ogole jej nigdy na oczy nie widzial.

As we all know, sheet masks can come in a wide variety of types, shapes and forms. Some are cotton, some are paper, some are hydrogel. And then there's A-True.

On the leaflet it says that "Our 100% Bio-Cellulose is cultivated from acetobacter xylinum bacteria yielding fermented fibers from natural sources."

Cellulose? This was like no other cellulose I've ever seen. This was almost a slightly gely plastic wrap-like substance that wasn't papery, wasn't cottony, wasn't hydrogely, and at least to me, it didn't resemble any cellulose pulp  that I'm familiar with.

Jak dobrze wiemy, maski plachtowe maja wiele roznych odmian, od bardziej papierowych, po wlokienne, albo hydrozelowe. I teraz mamy tez A-True.

Na ulotce stoi jasno, ze "nasza 100% bio-celuloza kultywowana jest przy uzyciu bakterii acetobacter xylinum pozyskujac sfermentowane wlokna naturalnego pochodzenia." czy jakos tak.

Celuloza? Nigdy takiej celulozy nie widzialam. To byla niemal zelowo- plastikowa substancja, ktora zdecydowanie nie przypominala niczego papierowego, ani wlokiennego, ani utkanego, ani hydrozelowego. I nie wygladala na zadna mase celulozowa, jaka kiedykolwiek dane mi bylo spotkac.

This felt almost rubbery. The mask was very smooth, very slick, and very clingy.
The shape didn't quite fit my face, but that's my peasant face for you. Hardly anything fits it. The mask has a seam right down the middle, which in theory should help it conform to the shape of your face. Yeah, in theory...

Ta miala niemal gumowa konsystencje. Byla gladka (pomimo widocznych tloczen na zdjeciach), sliska i bardzo przylepna.

Ksztalt nie bardzo mi pasowal, ale mojej wiesniackiej twarzy malo co pasuje.
Maska miala szew posrodku, i w teorii taki ksztalt maski ma lepiej przylegac do twarzy. Taaa... w teorii.

Right about then I got very irritated again (and sheet masks are supposed to be a relaxing experience), because even though the packaging states that each mask pouch contains 25 grams of essence, most of that essence stayed in the pack.

Here, the blame goes to the mysterious cellulose substance that this mask is made out of. The mask is very thin, very slick and frankly, it reminded me of kitchen cling wrap. There was simply no way for this material to absorb any significant amount of essence.

I w tym momencie znowu sie wkurzylam (a mowia, ze maski maja byc relaksujace!), poniewaz choc saszetka oznajmia, ze zawiera az 25 gramow esencji, to niestety wiekszosc tej esencji pozostalo wewnatrz tejze aszetki.

Tutaj zwalam wine na ta gumowa celuloze. Maska jest bardzo cienka, i bardzo przypominala mi kuchenna folie plastikowa. Taka struktura nie pozwolila masce nasiaknac esencja.

I scooped the remaining essence out of the pouch and tried to pat it onto the mask. It didn't work. I tried to put it under the mask. It didn't work. Finally, I smeared it on my neck and chest area.

By then I was very frustrated and to be honest - disappointed. Of A-True I expected better. Much better.

I waited patiently (while reading "The Untold History of the United States), and after 20 minutes, or so, I removed the mask.

During those 20 minutes I didn't experience any burning, any itching, any pain, or any discomfort whatsoever.

Wycisnelam reszte tej nieszczesnej esencji w saszetki i usilowalam wklepac w maske. Nie szlo. Chcialam to rozsmarowac pod maska. Tez nie szlo. W koncu po prostu posmarowalam sobie tymi resztkami szyje i dekolt.

Czekala cierpliwie przez okolo 20 minut (czytajac arcyciekawa ksiazke) i maske zdjelam. Podczas tych 20 minut nie odczuwalam niczego, co odbiegaloby od normy. Zero szczypania, zero swedzenia, zero uczucia bolu, zero nieprzyjemnosci.

I took the mask off, looked in the mirror and stared at my face in shock and horror.

My face was bright red. And I mean bright, pulsating red. I looked like a burn victim. Yet nothing hurt and I felt absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Apart from my skin's vivid red color, everything else seemed perfectly normal.

I thought it might be a good idea to wash my face, but as I felt no adverse reaction, I decided to wait and see what happens.

After about an hour the redness disappeared. My skin looked ugly. The pores were enlarged and open, the texture looked beaten and felt rough to the touch, the skin's surface seemed tired, and I hate to say it, but there's no point beating around the bush - it looked damaged.

That certainly wasn't what I expected from a single use sheet mask that costs about 9 dollars.

Sciagnelam maske, spojrzalam w lustro i nie bardzo wiedzialam co sie stalo.
Mordo, ty mojo! Czerwona byla. Wsciekle pulsujaca czerwona. Wygladalam jak poparzona.
Ale NIC nie bolalo i oprocz czerwonego koloru, wszystko wydawalo sie jak najbardziej w normie.

Po okolo godzinie czerwien w koncu zniknela. A moja skora wygladala po prostu brzydko. Pory zrobily sie ogromne i spuchniete. Tekstura skory byla nieprzyjemna w doktyku, a sama cera wygladala na zmeczona, i co tu duzo mowic, po prostu - zniszczona.

Nie takiego efektu oczekiwalam od maski plachtowej, ktora kosztuje okolo 9 dolarow za sztuke.

The next morning I woke up, looked in the mirror and literally wept. And those were not tears of joy.

My face looked horrible. There was zitness galore, painful areas where huge cysts were about to form, red spots were angry zits were appearing, and enough small bumps to share among several acne sufferers.

I tried my usual over the counter acne treatment but the next day it looked even worse. I had no choice but to see a doctor.

I waited a week for my face to calm down.

To be honest, I didn't really know what caused this sudden breakout and I didn't suspect A-True at all.

Nastepnego dnia, kiedy rano spojrzalam w lustro, to niemal sie poplakalam. I bynajmniej nie lzami radosci.

Moja twarz wygladala tragicznie. Syf na syfie, wsciekle obszary, gdzie wielkie czerwone gule zaraz mialy wyskoczyc. Czerwone plamy, gdzie mniejsze krosty siedzialy zaraz pod skora. I tyle malych syfow, ze moglabym sie podzielic z kilkoma tradzikowymi nastolatkami i dla wszystkich by starczylo.

Probowalam zajac sie tym sama, ale niestety rezultaty nie byly zachecajace. Nie bylo wyjscia, Poszlam do dermatologa.

Czekalam niemal tydzien, aby skora sie w koncu uspokoila.
I tak szczerze, to w tamtej chwili wcale a wcale nie podejrzewalam, ze to moglo mnie spotkac ze strony A-True.

My skin got better and I thought it was time to try the mask again. This time my face didn't get as red as before but I still didn't like how my skin looked immediately after removing the mask.

This mask is supposed to deliver these benefits:

  • radiant and 
  • firming and 
  • hydrating and 
  • tone and 
  • brightening and 
  • boosting.

It did none of the above.
But the next morning I woke up with an active volcanic range on my face.
As I still had enough meds from my first dermatologist's visit, I didn't go this time. I just used the rest of my ointment.

Stan cery w koncu sie poprawil. Wiec postanowilam sprobowac po raz drugi.

Tym razem nie bylo az tak tragicznie. Nie wygladalam juz na poparzona.

Maska ta ponoc ma nam dawac:
  • blask, i
  • ujedrnienie, i
  • nawilzenie, i
  • tonowanie, i
  • rozjasnianie, i
  • wspomaganie.

Nie zrobila niczego z powyzszych.
Nastepnego dnia z nowu obudzilam sie ze wsciekla skora na twarzy.
Poniewaz mialam jeszcze sporo masci, wiec wizyte lekarska sobie odpuscilam.

Now I also had circumstantial evidence that the A-True mask might have been to blame.

So what did I do next? Like any other reasonable skincare blogger, I waited for my face to get better and then used the mask again.

That time I had to go to the doctor to get more medication. I also had clear proof that the A-True Real Black Tea True Active Mask does not agree with me. At all. And it pains me to no end to say that, because you know how much I love A-True...

I am still working on bringing my face back to normal. The last crop of zits is quite stubborn. My pores are humongous. And the texture and feel of my skin are simply nasty.

Wiec teraz mialam mozliwa hipoteze, ze przyczyna tych erupcji mogla byc maska od mojej ukochanej firmy. A-True Real Black Tea Active Mask potrafilo mi niezle dokopac.

Nadal pracuje na calkowitym zaleczeniu twarzy i powrocie do normalnosci. Ostatni wysyp syfow jest dosyc uparty. Pory sa gigantyczne i bardzo rozezlone. A twarz, i w wygladzie, i w dotyku, jest po prostu okropna.

A-True Real Black Tea True Active Mask ingredients:

I was curious what caused this violet reaction. There were only two possible choices: either the essence, or the mask itself.
To find out which one it was, I drained the essence from the fourth mask and applied it to my neck and decollete. Just the essence, no mask. There was no adverse reaction this time.

I am well aware of the fact that whenever fermentation is involved, you should proceed with caution. Especially if you have sensitive skin. But I have used fermented cosmetics before (including other A-True products) with no adverse reaction, and I had no reason to expect a skinmageddon this time around.

This is my face after diligent prescription treatment. You can imagine how bad it was to start with.

Ciekawa bylam co mnie tak uczulilo. Byly tylko dwie mozliwe opcje.
Jedna z nich to zuzycie esencji luzem. Posmarowalam sobie nia szyje i dekolt. Maske wyrzucilam. Zuzylam tylko plyn. Nie mialam zadnej nieprzyjemnej reakcji.

Zdaje sobie sprawe z tego, ze sfermnetowane kosmetyki nie sa dla kazdego i ze nalezy sie obchodzic z nimi bardzo uwaznie.
Moje poprzednie doswiadczenia przy uzyciu sfermentowanych substancji byly zawsze pozytywne. Wiec i tym razem nie oczekiwalam erupcji calej twarzy.

Tutaj po bardzo stosowaniu antybiotykow w formie masci:

That will teach me.

No to teraz mam nauczke.

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